What is a Hot Water Circulation Pump?

Have you ever wondered why your hot water faucet gives you cold water when you first turn it on? Depending on the size of your home, you may wait a few seconds or even minutes for hot water. This is not only inconvenient, but wastes a lot of water.
The distance hot water needs to travel is the reason cold water comes out first. When the faucet is on, hot water is drawn to the sink through your plumbing. Turning it off stops the water, but doesn’t return it to the water heater. It stays in the pipes and gets cold. The next time you need hot water, the cold water in the pipes has to be pushed out by fresh hot water from the water heater. The more piping between the water heater and the faucet, the more cold water there is and the longer it takes.
But there are some solutions.
You can have your plumber install a circulation pump. A hot water circulation pump is installed on your water heater, returning unused hot water back to the water heater. It is designed to provide hot water on demand.
You may not realize that you already have a recirculating system. A previous homeowner may have unplugged the pump. It is worth checking to see if you already have one, especially if you’re frustrated with the time it takes to get hot water to areas of your home. Your plumbing professional can help you locate your pump and make it functional. You can also check for it yourself near the top or bottom of your water heater.
A recirculating pump will end the wait for hot water. Whatever the size of your home, you can save your family time, money, and water.